When using Notepad, although there are not many settings you can change, if you do, you may want to revert to the default settings.

In Windows 8, the default font was changed to “Consolas”. In Windows 2000, the default font was changed to “Lucida Console”. Originally, in Windows 95, “Fixedsys” was the only available display font for Notepad. Notepad was changed very slightly in the past years, since the days of Windows 95 (it’s been around since even before that, but let’s talk about GUI-based OSs for now).

Notepad is used to create and edit not just text files, but also several other file format types such as batch files, registry files and scripts.
#Change default font windows 10 registry install#
While other, more advanced text editors do exist - such as the excellent Notepad++ ( , and others) - because of these features and mostly because of the fact that it’s simple to use and available in the core operating system without the need to install any additional software, Notepad is usually the tool you go to when you need to perform a simple text file creation or edit. This means that it can open files that are already opened by other processes, users or computers.

In addition, another useful feature of Notepad is that it does not place a lock on the text of log file it opens. What makes Notepad so useful, besides the fact that it has been around for so many years, is that when you save files in Notepad, the resulting text files have no format tags or styles, which makes it very suitable for editing system files. Notepad is one of the most commonly used built-in tools that comes with the Microsoft Windows operating system.